Contact Us

Immigration Attorney Rami Lee-VanValkenburg is located in and Princeton, New Jersey and represents immigrants throughout the United States and across the globe.


* By Appointment Only

Get Started

If you have an immigration matter that you believe Immigration Attorney Rami Lee-VanValkenburg may be able to assist you with, please contact us to schedule an initial consultation, or fill out the form below.

By Appointment Only:

Consultations and client meetings are held on a ‘by appointment’ basis only. Because I spend a significant time away from the office at immigration interviews and at immigration court, please do not arrive for a consultation with me unless you have a scheduled appointment. This will avoid disappointment and frustration for all parties concerned.

Free Initial Case Review:

I am happy to provide a free 30 minute initial consultations for potential clients.  Free initial case review is available via email, telephone, and in-person. For email consultations, please make sure to provide us with as much detail regarding your immigration case as possible so that I can have a clear understanding of your case.  For in-person appointments, please make sure to gather and bring all documentation for our office to review to your appointment. I cannot assist you if I do not have the requisite paperwork and information that I need to evaluate your potential case. Documents and details provide the information I need to assess and form a legal opinion about your case.

Attorney Client Relationship:

Please be advised that absent a complete written and signed representation agreement in existence between us, there will be no attorney-client relationship. Additionally, unless you retain our law offices to represent you, I can give you a brief opinion as to how I think the immigration law will apply to your potential case, but I cannot provide specific legal advice to you.